Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's nice about traveling for two hours.

I go to school for two hours and i go home having two-hour travel. to sum it all up, a round trip from our home to the school takes four hours to travel. You may think that that is so boring and tiring. Well, that is quite right. I should really say that it is hard to travel for that amount of time. but as time passes by, I find it a bit interesting.
I can think some things in my life and feel them again. I can even plan what am I going to do next as soon as I got home. I can sight-see things while traveling like buildings, open fields, cars and the most I like is to gaze into heaven especially when it is evening. What's nice about it?I really appreciate the nature and hope for the best of it. Sometimes there is a weird thought in my mind that I need to invent a machine that can lessen plastics or pollution in our nature. Well, that's weird but I really really want to try it. Well another thing I do is to reflect the day. I recap the things I did for a particular day and if they were good, I will do them again tomorrow but if not, I tell myself not to do it again. What's nice about these things? I can know myself better, appreciate little things in my life and be more responsible.
I can find many kinds of people too. There are kind-hearted, talkative, simple, nice, snabbish, short people, tall people, weird, serious-type, babies, teenagers, adults, elders etc. And the most I like about is when I see handsome and cute guys. What's nice about it? I feel stress-free when I saw one. Drivers are also one of those people you may encounter with. It's not their character I am specifically talking about but it's their way how to drive. Some drivers drive fast, too fast, and very fast that I almost think that they want all of us in the jeep to die. Others drive normal and the most I hate about are those drivers who drive slow, too slow and very slow that even a bike can overtake it. What's nice about them? I am already expose with different kinds of people and know how to handle them. My patience is also being tested by these on how long it would going to be. I can even have a wide and better understanding of the society on what is really going on in the reality.
I can encounter accidents also like holdaps, budul-budol, pickpocketing and many more. I was kind of shaking because of fear after those accidents I encountered. What's nice about it? I became attentive, aware and familiarize to those passengers who are not worth to be trusted. I became double careful also with my things.
At first maybe for me traveling for two hours was kind of tiring and boring but it's nice to discover that it has lot of things to reveal that may help me to be me, to be open-minded and to be mature.

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