Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What You Think Is What You Become

Sometimes in some points of our life, we experience new challenges and obstacles. Of course in facing these challenges, there will be only two results that will come out--- success or failure. When you get what you want to achieve; it is like you’re the happiest person in the world. But in contrast, when we experience failure, there are many negative feelings we feel or we think about ourselves like “I’m unlucky, I’m no good, I’m dumb, etc.

I, myself also experience this strange feelings. A feeling of discriminating myself from others. I remember when I got low grades in quizzes or long exams and my other classmates got high grades, there are questions that come to my mind like am I the only one who didn’t understand the lesson? Or am I stupid?

Usually people think negatively of what he is due to what other people say about him. But come to think of it, we need to be thankful of the things we have because we have nothing to look forward to if we have everything. Life might be so boring.

One of the most significant on this is what ever we think it becomes what we are. So it is important to have a positive outlook in life. You must feel confident enough within yourself to attain your goal in life. I appreciate the commercial in the television, where the little boy loss in try-out and his mother keeps on encouraging him by saying, “Never say die tomorrow will be another day.” That kind of attitude we need to instill to ourselves. Allowing ourselves the opportunities to grow, develop and find true purpose in life despite of what other people say because if we always think negatively of ourselves we cannot move forward. Always have the habit of saying “If they can do it, I can do it better.” Be confident enough to face negative comments, anyway we are the one responsible for what we do and what we become and not the other people. Always remember that everything we have are gifts from God, whatever we do to our lives is our gift to God. Try to appreciate the things which you do not know because this is an opportunity for you to learn. Be thankful for your mistakes, they will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you made a difference. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they become your blessings.

As time goes by I teach myself to think positively and never think about what other people may say to me. That worrying about what other people think, we let them control us. I am just wasting my time and energy trying to figure out what other people think about me rather than just being what God made us to be. Worrying about what other people think is dangerous because we are more likely to trap into criticism. It means we don’t always do the right thing; instead, we do the thing that everybody wants us to do.

Well, we cannot please everybody so quit trying to please everybody! Just be yourself!

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