Thursday, January 28, 2010

What's nice about traveling for two hours.

I go to school for two hours and i go home having two-hour travel. to sum it all up, a round trip from our home to the school takes four hours to travel. You may think that that is so boring and tiring. Well, that is quite right. I should really say that it is hard to travel for that amount of time. but as time passes by, I find it a bit interesting.
I can think some things in my life and feel them again. I can even plan what am I going to do next as soon as I got home. I can sight-see things while traveling like buildings, open fields, cars and the most I like is to gaze into heaven especially when it is evening. What's nice about it?I really appreciate the nature and hope for the best of it. Sometimes there is a weird thought in my mind that I need to invent a machine that can lessen plastics or pollution in our nature. Well, that's weird but I really really want to try it. Well another thing I do is to reflect the day. I recap the things I did for a particular day and if they were good, I will do them again tomorrow but if not, I tell myself not to do it again. What's nice about these things? I can know myself better, appreciate little things in my life and be more responsible.
I can find many kinds of people too. There are kind-hearted, talkative, simple, nice, snabbish, short people, tall people, weird, serious-type, babies, teenagers, adults, elders etc. And the most I like about is when I see handsome and cute guys. What's nice about it? I feel stress-free when I saw one. Drivers are also one of those people you may encounter with. It's not their character I am specifically talking about but it's their way how to drive. Some drivers drive fast, too fast, and very fast that I almost think that they want all of us in the jeep to die. Others drive normal and the most I hate about are those drivers who drive slow, too slow and very slow that even a bike can overtake it. What's nice about them? I am already expose with different kinds of people and know how to handle them. My patience is also being tested by these on how long it would going to be. I can even have a wide and better understanding of the society on what is really going on in the reality.
I can encounter accidents also like holdaps, budul-budol, pickpocketing and many more. I was kind of shaking because of fear after those accidents I encountered. What's nice about it? I became attentive, aware and familiarize to those passengers who are not worth to be trusted. I became double careful also with my things.
At first maybe for me traveling for two hours was kind of tiring and boring but it's nice to discover that it has lot of things to reveal that may help me to be me, to be open-minded and to be mature.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What You Think Is What You Become

Sometimes in some points of our life, we experience new challenges and obstacles. Of course in facing these challenges, there will be only two results that will come out--- success or failure. When you get what you want to achieve; it is like you’re the happiest person in the world. But in contrast, when we experience failure, there are many negative feelings we feel or we think about ourselves like “I’m unlucky, I’m no good, I’m dumb, etc.

I, myself also experience this strange feelings. A feeling of discriminating myself from others. I remember when I got low grades in quizzes or long exams and my other classmates got high grades, there are questions that come to my mind like am I the only one who didn’t understand the lesson? Or am I stupid?

Usually people think negatively of what he is due to what other people say about him. But come to think of it, we need to be thankful of the things we have because we have nothing to look forward to if we have everything. Life might be so boring.

One of the most significant on this is what ever we think it becomes what we are. So it is important to have a positive outlook in life. You must feel confident enough within yourself to attain your goal in life. I appreciate the commercial in the television, where the little boy loss in try-out and his mother keeps on encouraging him by saying, “Never say die tomorrow will be another day.” That kind of attitude we need to instill to ourselves. Allowing ourselves the opportunities to grow, develop and find true purpose in life despite of what other people say because if we always think negatively of ourselves we cannot move forward. Always have the habit of saying “If they can do it, I can do it better.” Be confident enough to face negative comments, anyway we are the one responsible for what we do and what we become and not the other people. Always remember that everything we have are gifts from God, whatever we do to our lives is our gift to God. Try to appreciate the things which you do not know because this is an opportunity for you to learn. Be thankful for your mistakes, they will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you made a difference. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they become your blessings.

As time goes by I teach myself to think positively and never think about what other people may say to me. That worrying about what other people think, we let them control us. I am just wasting my time and energy trying to figure out what other people think about me rather than just being what God made us to be. Worrying about what other people think is dangerous because we are more likely to trap into criticism. It means we don’t always do the right thing; instead, we do the thing that everybody wants us to do.

Well, we cannot please everybody so quit trying to please everybody! Just be yourself!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Is it really hard to say “sorry”? Why does people having a hard time to say

their apologies to the person they’d hurt? Is the word “sorry” hard to spell? I’m

really confuse why those people can’t burst out their apologies even they know that

it’s their fault. But there are also people who say “sorry” just to run away from

troubles caused by their mistakes. Hell. I really can’t get it. There are people

having a hard time to say sorry but there are also people who use the word “sorry”

to run away from the trouble they caused. Hell. I really can’t get it. I’m really

confused. What does the word “sorry” really means? According to my source:

Offering apology
Right from my heart
Realizing my mistake and truly apologizing to
You, with a promise to try not to commit that mistake again.

It means that we should apologize by saying “sorry” right from our heart comes

with an action that will express more that we are really regretting the sins that we

had committed. Apologizing is not really hard at all; it’s just us people that make

it hard. So good luck, have the courage to send you’re true and heartily apologies

to the one you’ve hurt.

"Never ruin an apology with an excuse."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Career Pathing

So far Intro class is the best class I've ever been through. It's a class wherein you don't have to worry about quizzes, recitations etc, that most students cared about. It's a class of having fun at the same time you also learned much about the principles in life, that will truly guide your path.

There is one specific topic discussed to us by our professor and it it "the LAW OF ATTRACTION." Could you really have everything you want by just wanting and being positive about it? for me this is what the law implies, so I doubted it but as Oprah says why would something be named as a "law" if its not true. as I heard her words I feel like an idiot, because what she says is very true.

Let me give you a true to life story, in which law of attraction occurs. It was about a 17 year old girl, who from the past 14 years of her life haven't experienced to have a father. despite her father's absence, she grew up having a big family. when the girl reached the time that she was able to defend herself and rationalize. She ask her mother why doesn't she have any father. Her mother answered by simply saying "your father left us" long story short he just didn't appear one day no letter, no text or call none.

When the girl was about to enter college, her mother decided to write a letter to her daughter's Japanese grandfather, asking for some support since the girl will enter college and a big sum of money is needed to support her education.
One day the mother received a letter from Japan and to her surprise it was from the father who didn't show up for 14 years.
All of it happened because the girl never stop wanting to see her father and through the endless prayer of the girl which even come to a point where she prayed that "just even before her death, she wished to see her father once again" so she did. she did see her father and up to now that she's almost 18 just two months away. they continue to support each other through text or call and her father even shoulder all her expenses in school.
This girl is very thankful to God for he did not only let the girl see her father instead he gave the girl her father's love which is the greatest gift everyone could ever experience.
For someone who doubts about the law, just like me who in the first place experience the power of the law. As I reveal myself to be the girl who lost a father for 14 years just wanted you to remember that "the Secret is revealed, it's our job to make this secret a reality."


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Facing The Giants

In our Career Pathing class, we watched a film, a very inspirational film for me. This film was all about a man who has all the reasons of hating God, but still he didn't do. Despite of his failures in life, he still become a good follower and believer of God. Because of that, all the bad things that happened to him was transformed into good. From that, he became happy and praise God more.

I was really touched when I watched this movie. It showed how God really works within us. The lesson I have learned by watching this film is that no matter how hard life is, with God we can overcome it. Nothing is impossible, as long as we have faith in Him. So whenever we encounter problems, especially in times of failures, let’s just ask help from God. Of course, we must still do our very best to achieve what we want and God will always provide the strength and wisdom we need.

In our course, It is really hard to hope or expect something because of the strict policy. And now, my grade on Fundamentals of Accounting is only 73! One more point and I will pass it already. I was really disappointed with that. I thought of myself as a failure, so hopeless! :( But now I know! There’s still hope, just have faith in God and exert more effort to achieve the target grade. If ever I didn’t make it to the top, I know that God has a plan for me. But I really do hope it won’t happen. I must reach 5th year and pass the board exam lol…… With God nothing is impossible…

Saturday, January 2, 2010

one way of entertaining yourself





Hi! happy and meaningful new year to each and everyone of us. How's your Christmas Vacation? Me its fine and wonderful because I've been experienced many first time in my life for example its my first time to gone to Baguio city and its also my first time to ride in a horse. How about you its your Christmas Vacation is enjoyable or its like a ordinary days?



My main topic in my post is all about MANGA its not type of fruit but its a other name for comics in japan. Maybe you're asking or wondering why i post this, my main reason is i want to share to you the thing/s that entertained me when I'm bored so that you can try it also, yo
u can't tell, maybe if you try reading manga you will also like it. Manga also has different categories/genre.

Here are th
e some categories/genre of manga:
  • YURI/SHOUJO-AI - known as Girls Love. The content or the story involving love between women.
  • YAOI/SHOUNEN-AI - known as Boys Love. The content or the story involving love
    between men.
  • SCIENCE FICTION - the content or the story is all about science fiction such as extra-
    terrestrial life forms, alien worlds, esp, and time travel.
  • SHOUNEN - This is almost the same as shojo except it is mostly action, sports or romance
    for males up to age 18.
  • JOSEI - Josei is manga aimed at adult women. (adult content). It is derived from the English
    "Lady Comic"
  • SHOUJO - known as ''young girls love. The content or the story is all about love, romance and relationships from a young female's point of view. .
  • ACTION - featuring past paced action such as fighting, violence or some other form of aggressive activity.
  • WUXIA - the content or the story involving the Chinese fiction concerning the adventures of martial artists usually set in ancient time.
  • DRAMA - it bring a strong emotion to the reader such as loneliness and sadness.
  • MATURE - contains subject matter which may be too extreme for people under the age of 17 such as intense violence, blood and strong violence.
  • ROMANCE - its all about love.
  • SMUT - series in this genre contain offensive contents, especially sexually profane materials.
  • ADULT - contains intensive violence and erotica activity.
  • SCHOOL LIFE - set in campus or some sort of school.
  • HENTAI - This manga is sexually hardcore manga. Hentai is Japanese for "perverted" or "perversion". (adult content)
  • ADVENTURE - the character going to a trip or exploring the world to find his/her luck.
  • DOUJINSHI - unofficial manga that is made and produced by fans of an original series, or a self-published manga.
  • ECCHI - it contain censored things and sometimes had a mild hentai.
  • GENDER BENDER - the characters in this genre change their gender by dressing in opposite
    sex and wearing make-up.
  • HAREM - in this genre the main character is a boy that being liked by many girls.
  • REVERSE HAREM - in this genre the main character is a girl that being liked by many boys.
  • COMEDY - very entertaining genre because the content is so funny.
  • FANTASY -it contains fancy stuff and magical stuff.
  • MECHA - is all about robotics.
  • MARTIAL ARTS - it contain arts of combat.
  • SUPERNATURAL - it deals with unexplained powers or thing that do not happen in nature.
  • HORROR - it contain scene that show fear and terror.
  • LOLICON - it contain young or under aged girl character are depicted in an erotic manner.
  • MYSTERY - in this genre you will guessing right to the end while catching all the clues
    and riddles all the way.
  • ONE SHOT - in this genre the story of the manga is very short, usually in contain a one chapter
  • SEINEN - is manga aimed at adult men. (adult content).
  • SHOTACON - it contain young or under aged boy character are depicted in an erotic manner.
  • SLICE OF LIFE - it contain the story of every life of ordinary people.
  • SPORTS - in this genre the story is all about sports.
  • TRAGEDY - it makes the readers cry.

but for me the best genre is rev
erse harem. I really love to read this kind of manga. Here are the titles of manga that i've already read. you can check it out and see for yourself, if it is good or not.





  • AAA
note: you can check this manga/mangwa at this site:


  • that before an anime release its should have a manga first in other word there's no anime that don't have a manga.
  • that korean also has their manga and it is called mangwa.


P.S. so sorry guys if my grammar is bad cuz' I'm not good in writing/speaking in english but I want to try my best to learn, so that I asked you to write some reaction/suggestion, it's ok to correct me I don't mind, in fact i will become more happy because there is/are someone who's willing to correct or help me. Thanks again for reading my post. Have a nice day.
