Wednesday, December 23, 2009

PrEdiCtioNs? InteRpreTations? XD

"Once there was a woman sitting in her old shattered house. She knows she's alone in the world. Every other thing is dead. Suddenly, the doorbell rings..."
Did you get the hidden meaning behind this text? Surely you find it hard to understand. This is the lines given by Mr. Gochuico, our professor in English. We were tasked to work in groups and visualize this text. We also need to make an illustration of it based on our own interpretations. At first, we were shocked because as you can see, the text completely describe what he is talking about. Yet after thinking, we realize that there might be a hidden meaning behind this. Besides, the text is left hanging. What the heck was that supposed to mean?
Some of my groupmates were already in hysterical mode, because we don't have much time left. We can only do it before English class and that's an hour and a half to be exact. We should have surf the internet for the true meaning of the story, but we would rather be honest. Interpreting the exact meaning of the short story is really hard for us specially the part, "the doorbell rings." There are so many possibilities. Could it be her family, a stranger, or is it even a human being? We seriously don't have any idea but we tried to interpret everything in the story. One of my group mates said that the police was the one who rang the doorbell and he will arrest the woman for killing her housemates. Another said it was God, inviting her to come to his kingdom. These were some otheir ideas but were stuck on the idea that the woman was old and left alone by her family with a shattered house and the doorbell was rung by some stranger. Only some of us drew but all of us participated in making the assignment. The old woman really looked like old and pitiful. The window is broken and the floor was messy. Even the sofa was ragged. It's a good thing that our clasmate Leira was in the group because she is the one who made final touches to make it look more real.
We're able to passed it in time and hopefully, our professor will give us a high grade. :)

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