Wednesday, December 23, 2009

PrEdiCtioNs? InteRpreTations? XD

"Once there was a woman sitting in her old shattered house. She knows she's alone in the world. Every other thing is dead. Suddenly, the doorbell rings..."
Did you get the hidden meaning behind this text? Surely you find it hard to understand. This is the lines given by Mr. Gochuico, our professor in English. We were tasked to work in groups and visualize this text. We also need to make an illustration of it based on our own interpretations. At first, we were shocked because as you can see, the text completely describe what he is talking about. Yet after thinking, we realize that there might be a hidden meaning behind this. Besides, the text is left hanging. What the heck was that supposed to mean?
Some of my groupmates were already in hysterical mode, because we don't have much time left. We can only do it before English class and that's an hour and a half to be exact. We should have surf the internet for the true meaning of the story, but we would rather be honest. Interpreting the exact meaning of the short story is really hard for us specially the part, "the doorbell rings." There are so many possibilities. Could it be her family, a stranger, or is it even a human being? We seriously don't have any idea but we tried to interpret everything in the story. One of my group mates said that the police was the one who rang the doorbell and he will arrest the woman for killing her housemates. Another said it was God, inviting her to come to his kingdom. These were some otheir ideas but were stuck on the idea that the woman was old and left alone by her family with a shattered house and the doorbell was rung by some stranger. Only some of us drew but all of us participated in making the assignment. The old woman really looked like old and pitiful. The window is broken and the floor was messy. Even the sofa was ragged. It's a good thing that our clasmate Leira was in the group because she is the one who made final touches to make it look more real.
We're able to passed it in time and hopefully, our professor will give us a high grade. :)

Monday, December 21, 2009


The most awaited time of the year is near- the season of Christmas day. Everyone in the campus is very much excited and getting busy for the preparation of this much awaited event. We, the BSA12 students, are pretty much excited for this day. Eventhough we have our very busy and hectic schedule, we still find time to enjoy and feel the breeze of Christmas.
Despite of our busy schedule, assignments and projects to be passed and most especially, despite of the fact that our major exams is on our way now, we can still find time to manage how to celebrate this 'special' day. For we, as christians, know that this day is the most special day for us. Why did we tell it so?? Because we all know that this is the day that Jesus Christ was born. A savior who save us from death and take away our sins. That's why we really have to celebrate this most special event of the year because of the grace from God we can have the chance to feel the fullness of our lives. And as a students of DLSU-D we can feel the heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving of the campus to our almighty GOD. As you go around at the university, you will see diffrent kind of decorations at the different colleges and buildings. It only shows that they really find this season a very special one. Serving and giving are one of the good things that we must practice on our lives. We must learn how to serve other people as what Jesus Christ did for us. We also have to share our blessings for that what's God want us to do and most specially let's give love not only during of christmas season but in every second and minute of our lives. As what He said in His word, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself"..
And BSA12 trying the best that we can to pursue this great commandments from our Almighty GOD.. for we really love and care for each other ..
And it's really not a big deal how and where you'll going to celebrate the Christmas season, what matters most is that we love at all.. :)))))
Indeed, the TRUE ESSENCE OF CHRISTMAS is to Serve, to Give and to Love one another.. :)))

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Our last week before preliminary exam was nerve-racking. Few days from now, we would be celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. This means that as of this moment, we should all be relaxed and delightedly waiting for Christmas to come. However, most of us can’t even feel the breeze of Christmas. Because of the upcoming major examination, we were assigned to do a lot of tasks like assignments, projects and even activities. As if all of these are still not enough, we were also scheduled for various examinations. We have nothing left to do but be geeks and spend time looking at our notes. We were so busy and stressed to even notice the days passing by. Yet despite of these “hardships”, we also enjoyed some of the activities done this week. One activity that I think most of us enjoyed is the collage making. Last December 15 and 17, we have been designated by our beloved REED professor – Mr. Eduardo Panulin to do a collage about our perception when we here the word “church”. Aside from the collage, we should provide an essay that explains our work. We, as accountancy students, have been familiarized to be the “busy people” as we are doing different assigned school tasks and combining them with the creativeness needed which is also accompanied by wild realistic imaginations. That is why when we heard that we are going to make collage, we don’t feel even the slightest bit surprised. We are getting used little by little at our overload schedules.

December 15 - Tuesday, it was the start of the activity. Every student in the classroom was very busy doing their group task showing their cooperation, but due to the limited span of time, most of us weren’t able to finish them up. Because of that, we were allowed to take it home and do some additions to make it more presentable. Some groups even want to continue and finish their collage but because it’s almost 7pm and it’s already late, we have no choice but to stop doing it and just take it home.

December 17 – Thursday, it’s our time to present it by speaking in front of the class and show the collage. We were allowed to code switch because it’s very comfortable to speak and express ideas in that way. During the presentation, everyone saw the unique ways of how the collage was made and that is because of the own interpretations that everybody have. We all made it with full efforts and the finished product was the result of unity and creativeness that each member of the group shared.

Honestly speaking, we enjoyed listening to our classmates presenting their own made collage. We showed that Accountancy is not everything about Brains. We all have our own talents to be proud of. There is even one collage made by our other classmates that amazes us until now. We think that it can even win at a contest :)). At the same time, we also prove that no matter how busy we are, we can still enjoy every precious seconds we spend with each other. These little activities serve as a great bond as well as an amusement to all of us. Even at a devastating week like this, we can still have bonding times together and appreciate the breeze of Christmas. :)))

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We ♥ Bondings. ;)

As college students, especially being enrolled in the Accountancy program, we are constantly bombarded with quizzes, seat works, projects, home work and the likes that it could actually stress us out and cram up on things. Though there are a lot of pressures, we still find time to enjoy and relax just to ease the burden placed on us.

Just the first week of the 2nd semester, we went to Festival Mall for the reason of searching for a required book but sadly, we weren't able to find it there. So as not to waste the trip we made, we ended up spending our time in enjoying the attractions there. ;) For anyone who's familiar with Festival Mall, you'd probably know Pixie Forest and X-cite, two of the places we went to. The first attraction that we rode was the Fun House. We were eager to ride it because most of us were first-timers. Even after the ride, we still had some argument whether it is the background that is moving or it is the seat itself rotating. Then, we went to this mini roller coaster in X-cite. At first we were very excited on riding it, but after seeing the real thing, some of us doubted to join, that's why we decided not to force the others who were afraid. The ones who were left ended up taking pictures of those who rode. :D It was one great bonding time that we surely enjoyed. Though we arrived late on our next class, we thought that it was worth it. ;)

Another bonding we had was just last Tuesday. We were supposed to have our first swimming lessons in our PE class. But much to our surprise, there was no substitute teacher who would teach us. This means we can't enter the pool area. :( We were very disappointed about this. After some time of planning, we decided to go to a resort called Double V since some of us were already wearing our swim suits. :) Since we had a lot of spare time we decided to just walk from Burol Main to the resort, but to our surprise, we spent 1hour walking just to reach the said resort. Actually, we were suppose to go to the resort called Fisher's Farm but when we got there, the cottages that we were about to rent was all reserved or occupied plus there was no one accommodating us. We felt a little bit irritated about that so we changed our minds and just go to the other resort which was Double V. When we arrived at Double V, we were so thrilled to dive in to the swimming pool that's why we rushed into the restroom and changed our outfit using our swimming attire, then without any hesitation, we dive into the pool. :)) Some of us may not know how to swim but while we were there, it really doesn't matter as long as we were together and just having fun. :) We may not be able to have our first swimming class but we still used our spare time in a pool, learning how to swim and at the same time having a lot of fun. :D Too sad that most of the class didn't join us but they also have their own plans that time and it was also about swimming. :)

So you see, it's not just all about studying and reviewing for us. We LOVE spending time with our friends as much as we can. It's somehow the only way we can unwind and relax from the stressful place called school. ;)

Some people aspire to be doctors, engineers, teachers and business men. In our case, we all want to be successful accountants someday. But yesterday, one of our classmates proved us wrong. It looks like he wants to be an action star/stunt man in the future. :))

For some unknown reasons, he rushed and jumped over the barricade in our building. The act would've been great and it would've made him look like a cool action star.. if only he didn't fell and rolled on the ground. :| At first, he showed that nothing seems to be wrong. But then, we noticed that a part of his pants were torn and that's when we saw the bleeding wound on his left leg. :(

He said that it's just a little scratch but we couldn't help offering a little help by putting a first aid to his little wound. We were just laughing and teasing him while cleaning his wound Of course we didn't mean any of the things that we've said to him, we were just making a small conversation. :) It's a good thing that it was not his head that hit the ground or he did not had a more severe injury. ;)

Now we know, not all accountancy students have the dream of being an accountant someday. ;))))

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

One Step at a Time :)

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One step at a time. There's no need to rush.
It's like learning to fly or falling in love.
It's gonna happen and it's supposed to happen
That we find the reasons why. One step at a time.

Another semester has begun in De La Salle University - DasmariƱas. It is a very exciting experience especially for students like us, who are new to this kind of environment. For us, accountancy students, it feels good to see our classmates again because anyone can be removed from the program if we'll not maintain a certain grade. We are so happy to see that most of our block mates were retained but because of the retention policy, there are some who were forced to change their courses. :'(

On our first day, like every Monday in CBA, we went to school wearing our fabulous business attires. We went to our assigned classroom where were supposed to meet our first professor, Ms. Joanne R. Balgemino. She's our prof in Fundamentals of Accounting, our first major subject ever. We felt nervous not knowing what our teacher would be like and what kind of lessons would we learn. But as we get to know her, we found that she's a pretty awesome teacher. We learned the basic principles in Accounting and it was an interesting topic. that day also, we met our professor in English who is Mr. Jonathan V. Gochuico. He is the author of the book that we are using in his subject and he is the one who gave us the task to have a blog. Actually, at first we thought that it was a very hard thing to do because most of us doesn't have any experience writing a blog but we felt excited doing it because it's just like having our personal diary but the only difference is just we have a certain topic to talk about. The day ended with us knowing our other professor.

The next day, we're very excited because of our swimming class. Most of us were afraid because not all of us know how to swim but we must comply with the requirement if we really want to stay in the program. Despite of the fear, some of us are very eager to have the swimming class, its not just they know how to swim but they are also after the bonding, for the first time, with our block mates. It's just sad that one of our block mates cannot attend since she will take the adapted PE class. She has a certain ailment that cause her to have skin rash when in contact with detergents and chlorine. Too bad she can't see us in our swim wears. :(

Another thing that makes the second semester different was the schedule. We had a lot of vacant time which makes us have a subject until 7:00pm. Though that's the case, we all think that the schedule is okay. We get to spend more time with our friends during break time and not only that, we could also use this time to study whenever we have quizzes and such. The week went on and we met our other professors. Most of them were great. They don't seem to be very strict and that's what we like in a teacher. We all hope to have a good relationship with all of them. ;)

Why one step at a time?

It's because we think that there's no need to rush things out. Just like the saying says, "Haste makes waste." With the pressure of passing and getting high grades, it's not good to take things too fast.. because if we do, we might regret it in the end. Just enjoy life while we can. Face all the challenges with bravery and always believe that things happen for a reason. But most especially, remember that God will never give us a problem and challenges that we cannot survive, so just go with the flow and take one step at a time. :)